WCU theme: ‘By This We Are Known’

Each year, William Carey University chooses a theme from the Bible to guide its mission. The theme for 2024-25 is “By This We Are Known.”
The inspiration for this choice comes from John 13:34-35, when Jesus says: “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (CSB)
As early as the second century AD, Tertullian, a prolific theologian and apologist from Carthage, North Africa, reflected on how non-Christians perceived Christians. In his work, “The Apology,” he noted that outsiders would often say, with wonder, “See how they love one another.”
Tertullian wrote extensively on Christian doctrine, ethics and challenges faced by the early church. Christians were a minority group in the Roman Empire, often ostracized and forced to meet in secret. Even so, people noticed the remarkable love and care believers showed toward one another — a selfless and compassionate love that stood out.
“Jesus’ command to love one another transcends mere politeness, courtesy, and kindness. It requires those who claim Him as Lord to follow His example by loving one another as He has loved us,” said Dr. Brett Golson, WCU vice president for strategic operations, professor of religion, and longtime pastor.
“This year, we aim to explore how Jesus loves us, with the goal of exemplifying His love to one another. By doing so, we bear witness to Christ’s transformative power: ‘By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’”