
The CTR NCTR/BEI program is a teacher certification pathway for individuals with a bachelor's degree with 18 subject hours in a 7th-12th grade licensure area. This is a 12-hour alternate route program that will be completed in three trimesters beginning July 2021. Two classes will be a virtual hybrid with two internship classes.

The Teacher Residency Model provides intensive support for students to include coursework, testing fees, mentoring for two years, and a support network of mentors, professors, and district leaders to promote success and retention of new teachers.

If selected for the scholarship, students will apply for positions in the partnering school districts and enroll in the two summer courses. Students will collaborate with their mentors and professors to prepare to lead teach in the fall during the coursework. Once the initial two courses have been completed, WCU will submit the student's licensure application to the Mississippi Department of Education. Students who have then received job offers will be employed by a school district and begin lead teaching in the Fall of 2021. The student will enroll in the fall internship course, begin lead teaching with the close support of the university supervisor and mentor teacher and have opportunities to collaborate with peers in the residency scholarship program.

During the residency, students will complete coursework and attend monthly virtual seminars. On July 14th and 15th, residents will meet with their mentors and attend classes in person at the Tradition Campus. Students who live more than 100 miles from campus will be able to participate virtually. More information to come.


Course Description


3 Credits Master's

This course provides information to help students develop proactive strategies to manage the classroom environment and student behavior. Emphasis is placed on students’ development of a personal and unique classroom management plan.



3 Credits Master's

The study of the measurement and evaluation of student learning with both criterion and

norm-referenced procedures. (May not be taken for graduate credit if taken at undergraduate level.)


3 Credits Master's

In this course students in cohort groups will be supervised by a university faculty member in an approved and accredited school where they are employed as full-time teachers. Students are required to attend scheduled seminars which will include research, presentations and discussions on current educational issues related to the classroom teacher, and submit online assignments.(Prerequisite s: EDU 536 and EDU 650)


3 Credits Master's

This course is the second phase of internship. The student will continue to be supervised by a university faculty member, attend scheduled seminars and submit online assignments.(Prerequisite: EDU 634)

Do you have a degree, and are you interested in a career as a teacher?

Carey Teacher Residency in partnership with the National Center for Teacher Residencies (NCTR)/Black Educator’s Initiative (BEI) announces a scholarship opportunity for 10 Black residents.