"Expect great things from God;
Attempt great things for God."

Our Vision

William Carey University is a community of learners which seeks to blend faith and learning with living. Within this unique nurturing and challenging environment, students prepare to fulfill their diverse callings in the larger global community.

Our Mission

As a Christian university which embraces its Baptist heritage and namesake, William Carey University provides quality educational programs, within a caring Christian academic community, which challenge the individual student to excel in scholarship, leadership, and service in a diverse global society.

Our Core Values

  • Stewardship as a response to the gifts of Providence
  • Social responsibility as an expression of love
  • Academic excellence as the measure of striving
  • Faith in God as the basis for all values
  • Charity and grace for those unlike ourselves
  • The search for truth, which we believe derives from God;
    we believe that the search for truth is a search for God
  • Administrators, faculty, and staff as models of Christian character

Theme Verse

Each year William Carey University chooses an annual theme that is designed to provide an idea for us to focus on and to unify the campus. The theme for 2023-24 comes from Ephesians 6:13

"Therefore, put on the full armor of God."

The Apostle Paul admonishes believers to “stand” like a warrior poised for spiritual battle against the evil of this world. While in prison, Paul was surrounded by Roman guards fully arrayed with military regalia. Paul uses the important pieces of the military armor to explain how believers are to engage in the spiritual war waged against them. Just as Roman soldiers are prepared, Christians are to put on spiritual armor that equips them for spiritual war (Ephesians 6:10-13).