William Carey Career Fair

William Carey University students and alumni looking for a career, internship, or graduate school opportunity are invited and encouraged to attend the Carey Career Fair. The Office of Student Support hosts this career fair each spring. This event helps to bring employers together with students to discuss employment opportunities, arrange interviews or conduct candidate screenings, and provide a more personalized touch to the job search process. The Carey Career Fair is a great tool for students and William Carey alumni currently seeking employment to get first-hand knowledge of employment trends and current job openings while practicing their interviewing skills. We look forward to seeing you dressed for success at our Carey Career Fair!

William Carey University hosts the Carey Career Fair each spring. Please check back later for more information about this event. For any career fair related questions, please contact studentsuccess@wmcarey.edu

William Carey University offers a spring career fair each year to help connect you to our students and alumni. We are looking for employers with full-time and part-time positions or internships and universities with graduate programs to attend our Carey Career Fair. If you are interested in participating in our career fair, please contact studentsuccess@wmcarey.edu 

We are constantly looking for new job positions or internships for our students. If you would like us to add your job posting to our site, please email studentsuccess@wmcarey.edu