Accreditation Dashboard
The School of Education offers specialized concentrations: dyslexia therapy, educational leadership, elementary, emotional and behavioral disorders, English, gifted, health and recreation, higher education administration, instructional leadership, interscholastic athletic administration, mathematics, mild/moderate disabilities, physical education, secondary, and social science.
The School of Education serves to prepare confident, caring, and reflective educators within a Christian environment, from a liberal arts curriculum for both pre-service educators as well as advanced preparation for in-service educators.
Program Goals
- Education is lifelong process;
- Equal educational opportunities should be provided to all persons;
- Students are unique individuals;
- Teachers and leaders must reflect the needs of a diverse, technological and global society;
- Effective instruction and leadership are based on best practice;
- Educational leaders are committed to facilitating change.
The School of Education at William Carey University is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) This accreditation covers initial teacher education and advanced education preparation programs at the Hattiesburg and Biloxi campuses. In October 2023, the William Carey University School of Education received full CAEP national accreditation for 9 initial licensure and 13 advanced licensure programs. This reflects the most accredited education programs for any university within the state of Mississippi. This Accreditation status is effective between Fall 2023 and Fall 2030. WCU continuously strives to provide high quality programs for our candidates as part of our efforts to improve educational outcomes for P12 students across Mississippi.

B.S. Elementary Education |
B.S. Physical Education Licensure |
B.S. Social Science Education |
B.S. English Education |
B.S. Mathematics Education |
B.F.A. Music (Vocal) |
B.F.A. Music (Instrumental) |
M.Ed. - Elementary Education |
M.Ed. - Mild and Moderate Disabilities |
M.Ed. - Secondary Education |
Dyslexia Therapy (M.Ed., Ed.S.) |
Educational Leadership (M.Ed., Ed.S., Ed.D.) |
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (M.Ed., Ed.S.) |
Interscholastic Athletic Administration (M.Ed., Ed.S.) |
Gifted Education (M.Ed.) |
Mild and Moderate Disabilities (M.Ed.) |
School Counselor (M.Ed.) |
School Psychometry (M.Ed.) |
CAEP Accountability Measures (2022-23 Academic Year)
The data below shows the Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) results for grades 3-8 as well as the end of course assessments for Algebra I, US History, Biology I, and English II. The chart shows the scores of all Mississippi students, the scores of students prepared by all teachers who graduated from the Mississippi teacher education programs, and the scores of students prepared by teachers who graduated from William Carey University.
WCU Impact on P12 Student Learning and Development- 2018-Current (2023 Report)
Data is provided to demonstrate how WCU uses multiple measures to determine teacher effectiveness in both undergraduate and graduate level initial licensure programs. Data is provided for the statewide proprietary assessment, Teacher Intern Assessment Instrument (TIAI), which is administered at the end of the teacher education program. The TIAI measures candidates’ abilities in five domains: planning and preparation, assessment, instruction, learning environment, and professional responsibilities.
Employer Satisfaction Survey 2020-2022 (2023 Report)
Advanced Employer Satisfaction Survey 2020-2022 (2023 Report)